Medicaid Home Care Rules
Feb 04, 2017
Individuals seeking to obtain Long-Term Care services outside of a nursing home must navigate a different set of Medicaid eligibility rules, depending on the type of services required.
One of the primary goals expressed by our clients is to remain in their own homes or at least in the most independent setting possible.
Navigating the maze of community care requires an in-depth knowledge of the services available in the home, and in adult homes and assisted living facilities, and an ability to manage income and resources to maximize their value, while utilizing Medicaid services wherever available to supplement the care provided by the individual and their family. Learn more about elderly care here.
Community-based Medicaid services are available through the MI Choice Waiver. Generally, however, Medicaid does not pay for adult home or assisted living care, which under existing rules must be paid for privately.
In order to access community-based care, an individual is allowed to keep the same $2,000 in total assets, but he/she may also retain the home in which they live along with the other exempt assets listed above; recipients of Medicaid home care are allotted an income allowance of $2,163.00 per month in 2014. Income over the $2,163.00 limit will have to be spent on medical care.
It is important to note that, while this is technically an option, due to the current funding climate in Michigan, at home Medicaid is very limited and is not something that may be relied upon.
We are dedicated to helping you find solutions to your long-term care concerns and to assist you in avoiding the loss of your lifetime savings.
Contact us today We can Help (248) 278-1511.
The information in this blog post is not intended to be, nor should it be, construed as legal advice. It is for informational purposes only. For advice, specific to your situation, consult with a qualified attorney.