Estate Planning is NOT Just About Death Planning
Dec 31, 2016
Most people, when thinking about estate planning, are focusing on what happens when they die.
This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
There are many legal tools that can be used to enhance the quality of your life and to reduce the burden to your family when disability – which is inevitable for most of us – happens. It is also important to understand that the right kind of estate planning may be a necessary component in ensuring that your spouse or children “left behind” are not left in poverty or overwhelmed.
The first step in estate planning is education. One of the biggest challenges I face as an attorney is making people understand that things they “think they know” aren’t necessarily true. When it comes to estate planning – What you don’t know can hurt you.
Provided within the Family & Aging Law Center Blog, we're looking at some aspects of how estate planning works. Hopefully, this information will dispel much of the myths and misunderstandings you may have about the way the law can and/or will assist you. For more detailed information, it’s best to consult with a qualified legal advisor.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. The contents within are not meant to be legal advice, but for general informational purposes. However, the information is truly meant to be of value to you in protecting you and your family.
-Nicole Wipp, Attorney
Family & Aging Law Center PLLC
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